80’s Agent adventure
One disk, one hour, everything on the line!
Playboy and hacker Dani Larinen, drunk on his own cyberskills created a computer virus, granting him access to every database and system. He is threatening to strike against all the most important databases in Finland, and perhaps even the entire world, in one hour. You are agents, who have been sent by FUMBLE (Federal Undercover Main Bureau of Law Enforcement) to stop Larinen before it is too late.
You gain entry into the penthouse apartment of the slimy cybercrook, but things get very complicated very fast. Larinen has apparently anticipated this move from the intelligence services! Push your way through, gain access to his mainframe and stop the virus from being downloaded. The fate of Finland, and the entire world, rests on your shoulders!
Suits those looking for an easy going and humorous experience.
Accessibility (Includes mild spoilers of the game!)
The game requires (at least one player) to kneel and reach with their hands. Some puzzles will require capability to distinguish colours. The game does not contain puzzles that require hearing. All of our games are on the second floor of a building without an elevator!
Creators of this game
Original story: Mikko Halkiranta, Mikko Honkonen
Game design: Mikko Halkiranta, Mikko Honkonen, Viivi Keinänen
Game build: Mikko Halkiranta, Mikko Honkonen, Viivi Keinänen
Graphic design: Viivi Keinänen, Veera Sauerland, Mikko Halkiranta
Pictures in the game: Rupert Colley, Tony Etone, Robert Huttstutter, Marion Doss, Frank Hoffman, Viivi Keinänen
Videos in the game: Mikko Honkonen, Mikko Halkiranta
Music and sound effects: SoundRaw.io, Mikko Halkiranta, Mikko Honkonen
Actors in the videos and pictures: Pekka Ahonen, Leo Heinämäki
Game been playable since 6/2024