The price of being a genius

The opportunity of a lifetime! The paragon of movie industry Marcus Struwe has invited you for a private audience at his study. An extremely rare occasion where fans are concerned.

Mr. Struwe, whose career has shot up as if strapped to a rocket, has been compared to many famous industry figures. It’s as if he’s Tarantino, both Kaurismäki brothers, Spielberg and Welles all rolled into one person. He writes, directs, designs costumes and plans out the choreographies of his movies completely by himself. And despite this each of his movies has been an international mega success. His speed of releasing new projects is also inhumanly fast, at least one feature length movie has had its premier each year. When asked how he manages to do all of this by himself, Mr. Struwe instantly becomes evasive, changes the subject and otherwise acts in suspicious ways.

Now you have a chance to find out where he gets his inspiration from.

2-5 players

60 min

Suits those intrigued by mysticism and who like to dwell in stories.

Accessibility (Includes mild spoilers of the game!)

The game requires one to kneel or squat. The game has a puzzle that requires hearing. If you wish to play the game with the hearing puzzle removed or modified please contact us in advance via e-mail. All of our games are located on the second floor of a building without an elevator!

Creators of this game

Original story: Mikko Honkonen
Game design: Mikko Halkiranta, Mikko Honkonen, Viivi Keinänen
Game build: Mikko Halkiranta, Mikko Honkonen, Viivi Keinänen
Graphic design: Viivi Keinänen, Veera Sauerland, Antti Hukkanen
Pictures in the game: Mikko Halkiranta
Videos in the game: Mikko Honkonen, Mikko Halkiranta
Music and sound effects:, Mikko Halkiranta, Mikko Honkonen
Actors in the videos and pictures: Tanja Oittinen, Pablo Delahay

Game been playable since 8/2024